Thursday, March 12, 2009

my heart is warmed

how time zooms past!
been more than a month since my last post....

my heart is warmed by a few changes i observed lately....
they are not what you would call drastic changes
little yet significant....and God it is your working! thank you!
You have been working in the hearts of your children... and still will be...
..... when i hear my daughter expressing emphatically her desire and commitment to meet regularly with her uni fellowship group amidst some glitches she encountered to follow thro this commitment..
earlier in the sem she intentionally selected class slots so as to make that meeting night free
and that was so gladdening to my heart... thanks dear for being the reason
it not only pleases me but it definitely pleases our God who has been holding you in His palm!
May your time in uni be an opportunity and adventure with Him as you learn and enjoy what He has in store for you!!! JEREMIAH 29:11
..... when i hear the son of a friend emphatically 'pushing' the mum to go to church come weekends when he s back from studies!
not too long ago it was the reverse and human persuasion came to no avail but now look what God has been doing in his heart despite what the family has been through....
his desire to worship springs from a heart of thankfulness to the God who has brought him and his family through crises and hardship...
and i am glad he didnt sink into bitterness, crying unfair and why he gets a bad deal from God?? and somewhere deep inside i sense a restored self-esteem released from feeling inferior bec of his family condition...set free to move on...
May he discover more and more of our Loving, merciful and faithful God!
...... when there was less 'resistance' to release funds in our efforts to help provide for Karthic and family in the form of giving in kind and helping the undernourished boy try to catch up on the basic three Rs so that he wont become another statistic in the drop-out list.
provision allocation approved promptly, some electrical fault repair bill settled and soon the bill for repair leaking roof and rotting wooden beams....
May God who stirs our hearts to act upon what He wants us to do, teach us to be like Him in action......ever so full of compassion, of grace, of gentleness, of kindness as we avail as His arms to the needy...... Matthew 25:34-40
........i see you God clearly in these....

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